Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Post

Hey guys......I just had the inspiration to start a blog. I don't know how much I'll do this but I will do my best to check back on the comments and such.

First of all, I want to thank God for giving me the talent in photography and the connections that I have gained this past year. I hope that I can improve on my talent and gain more connections, which will hopefully get me to where I want to go in life. I do want to follow God's will for my life although.

My first inspiration in photography, and the person that made me want to pursue it with everything I have, is none other than David Molnar. He is basically living my dream of getting to photograph bands and do band promos.

Feel free to comment on any of these posts and I'll do my best to comment back.

Thank you and God Bless,

Nick B. <><

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